Monday, August 30, 2021

Blog #1: My Top 5 Sources for News

My Big Five News Sources

Post/Week #1

In today's world, there is massive amounts of media that is able to spread new across the world instantaneously. It can almost seem exciting on how much communication and journalism has evolved in the the last couple of decades. With that said, not every thing is reliable and could often shift to biases towards the right or left side politically. However this is not the case for every site. When I want to hear the scoop about what is going on in our great nation economically, politically, socially, or even just in pop culture I have several go to news sources that I trust on getting the best content and reliability from.


The reason I consider MSNBS as one of my top news sources is how it is reliable. Granted the site does often skew left, but what I think makes it more reliable is that it's priority to more state the facts and let the audience decide how to feel about more current issues facing the world. As opposed to news sources such as CNN or Fox News that would often have a major bias towards to either the left or right. I will often tune into this channel when the 2020 election was underway and to watch all of the debates on. Out of all of the major televised news sources out there to watch, I would recommend trying this one to see if you too, can agree with the information.


The New York Times

When I was a high school student, we were to analyze articles from The New York Times every week and to understand what is currently happening in our country. Ever since, I have been reading up on the paper and what it puts out. With a large influence and global readership, the paper is very credible and has won over 120 Pulitizer Prizes and over 330 SND print and digital awards in 2021. I believe The New York Times is one of the most reliable news outlets out there based on the fact that they have dozens of highly credible reporters and editors at the scene to give me, the viewer the stories of what is going on in our times. It's a great news outlet that anyone could appreciate!

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal is where I go to form more business related stories. I enjoy reading about stocks and other content. Even though I consider myself more as a leftist, I can appreciate the Wall Street Journal given the fact that they are very reliable on their economic numbers and facts. Whenever I am checking in on our nation's economy, this is my go to source and would recommend for other people to give it more attention, since the economy is getting only more important in our present time.


I like to listen to NPR. It's an equal new system that is not too biased one way or the other. I am a big fan
of podcasts so I always love listening to speakers such as Leila Fade, Rachel Martin, and Steve Inskeep. It's also an added bonus that since they also go over the stock market and other financial news, it's nice to have another option for economic information other than just Wall Street. I recommend this site for anyone with an interest in stocks, economics, or even if you are just a fan of podcasts! It has a lot to appreciate!

Entertainment Weekly

As someone who wants to work in the field of either film or media, I am always reading Entertainment Weekly. Reading about the latest castings in movies and television shows, award buzz, predictions, and actor and directors' legacies, it's the perfect news outlet for those interested in the entertainment business and pop culture. Whenever something big is revealed in the film or TV industry, I wanna be the first who hears about and can rely on Entertainment Weekly for telling me. It knows what it wants to talk about, there is no bias in it, it's ultimately a site worth checking out for lighter news.

Entertainment Weekly Link

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