Saturday, October 9, 2021

Blog #7 Movies

 It's interesting after seeing the student's presentations about technology how it has advanced over the year. The evolutions of technology such as social media, the internet, and many other products that have developed how we live our lives. One that I was very much interested in how it has evolved over time was movies.

Seeing how they came from small motion pictures, to adding sound and then color, to what we see them as now.

Going to the cinema may be heart healthy, study suggests | PhillyVoice

What I really thought was interesting is how some movies can spawn trends and eras of film. For instance one of the most famous era were westerns in 50s and 60s. Movies like The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid influenced an era of motion pictures where a cowboy would ride into a town, have a duel, get the board, and then ride off into the sunset. Full of gun violence and whiskey for audiences to enjoy. This is trend mostly since technology to shooting and making movies was more limited during that time so, it was no wonder many of these films took place in old fashioned towns with effects that were a lot more simple and practical. Compared to now where most movies have a lot of screen screen and special effects added in post production. It makes sense how Westerns were a big trend when movies became more and more popular.

The Magnificent Seven,' 'The Lone Ranger,' and the Whitewashing of Western  Movies - The Atlantic

it's not just western movies that became a trend. It can be said for horror as well. Of course in at the beginning of 1900s we had gotten plenty of Creature Features; Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Swamp Thing, etc. But in 1978, the slasher genre became a thing with Halloween starring everyone's famous silent masked man: Michael Myers. Then came other movies when the monster is man, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and even subversive films like Scream made this a classic genre.

And of course the superhero genre, the most trending genre at the moment has gotten more interesting as it has gone along. At the beginning we had old classics like the Christopher Reeves Superman films, to the Sam Raimi's Spider-Man in 2002, to Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. Each creating a brand new standard of what a comic book movie should be. And now thanks to Marvel, superhero cinematic universe have become a regular standard. Where it is common for character from different movies to crossover and work together to stop a common threat! And these types of movies would make so much money than any other film ever imagined!

And now an up and coming trend for that genre seems to be crossovers from different universes as we are coming to see many upcoming rumors that characters from different studios may appear in different superheat movies. It has come to the point where if you want to go watch the new Spider-Man movie you may have to watch EVERY Spider-Man movie that has ever been made in order to prepare for it! 

They already confirm it: Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield will be in  "Spider-Man: No Way Home" - Market Research Telecast

Overall. movies are an ever expanding medium that I was delighted to hear more about in the EOTO presentations. As a person considering going into the film industry and learn more about the process of making them, I will always look back at the classic and how they came top be. Starting off a little simple film that sparked and entered craze of that particular genre or one that was inspired by a previous film or genre. I have learned some crazy things in my Media Laws and Literacy Class. Somethings that can pretty shocking and can make me rethink some things I lived my life in ignorance to beforehand. But even still, one thing I can count on is that either in theaters or on a streaming service, movies are something I can always count on being around for.

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