Saturday, October 9, 2021

Blog #10 Living the Age of A.I.

 Here's a subject I have never ever blogged about!

But seriously, when we started watching the movie, the first thing I could only have in my mind was the asian centered game Go. The phrase "there are more possible movements in a game of Go than there are atoms in the universe" That really stopped me in the moment and took a while to process. But when they started to relating there game to computer algorithms I started to get the connection. I have sometimes and stopped in thought about how much information a computer can store and how it can open up billions of facts in just the blink of an eye. How AI has so much date recorded and a little voice such as Siri has recorded so many sounds and words to repeat back to you if you have a question. So much programming into the smallest mechanism at a factory. How so much programming and effort can go into a simple arcade game like Pac-Man. I have always though how much electrical engineering has advanced, and in only a couple circuit boards, we have advanced so much that now we are at the point where artificial intelligence is an up and coming thing. However is this necessarily a good thing?

Let's learn about artificial intelligence | Science News for Students

One thing that always been talked about when discussing AI, is how it will limit jobs being available. So many jobs once where people had to do, machines have taken the place. Travel assistants, bank tellers, and other forms of information sources are in the process of becoming obsolete thanks to the rise of Artificial Intelligence, where a simple google search or check to SIRI can swears anything you want to ask them. Add to that, check out counters have many more self check out areas, factory workers have been replaced with Crain mechanisms. Even when you go to a Chili's, you can swipe your card at Kiosk at your table and not have to worry about waitress coming back. However, this is not first time this happened. As the video has stated, this is not the fist time technology has made a breakthrough taking jobs from people as there have been era where a certain field would have been eliminated entirely, thanks to the new found inventions being created. The reason I bring this up is because at this point, it almost seems like nature that this happens every couple of decades. Where yeah, as technology such as AI becomes more prominent in society, it can minimize jobs, however one could even argue this brings up new jobs to be had. Still, it is concerning how much we are starting on this type of intelligence, so anyone's concerns about what artificial intelligence affects are more than valid. 

Are robots taking our jobs?

However, AI can have its benefits some would argue. In the movie, the one young CEO started talking about how he really wants to use virtual drivers to reduce the number of roadside deaths. Or how AI had found ways to let women know they have or will have breast cancer. I do think that as technology progresses it can do wonders such as diagnosing a person, suggesting treatments, or perhaps (in time) perform a surgery. One might argue that AI is more reliable as it can memorize, what doctors would take 4-8 years to medical terms and procedures to study, a machine can do in half a second. Now that is crazy! So people may rely more on an AI, as they have a better history of being right since they LITERALLY have the world's knowledge at their finder tips. It also talked about automatic truck drivers and the benefits of that. Since accidents can happen when people drives trucks that can cost people's lives, an automated touch that is instantly programmed with the destination and the obstacles around it at all times, less people would have to pay the price. Even so, with all of these inventions malfunctions are always a possibility, and while being less, they still can bring up a number fatalities to keep in mind.

3 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Helping the Trucking Industry - My  TechDecisions

So overall AI, is something that has been having plenty of pros and cons. It can help plenty of people with life, while also costing a good amount of jobs. No matter what if anyone was to critique AI, I do think it is warranted. However, as for me personally, I am not all against AI. I think that it can help advance the world when given into the right hands. Where we don't have to worry about it spying on us or trying to surveil our actions in the veins of what I have talked about before in other blogs such as Total Information Awareness. There is a reason why I don't own an Amazon Alexia. Also avoiding a robot apocalypse would be nice. 

But what I thin k is most important is that if AI becomes more prominent in our culture, I think it is very important for people to keep the same values of work and don't rely too hard on technology. Where even if you have the word's knowledge now at out finger tips and can ask SIRI or someone to give you an answer or to use advanced technology to do something simple, we should still be comfortable doing things the old fashioned way. Otherwise if AI suddenly stops we may end up helpless and have no clue what to do. Kinda like in the movie WALL-E, where when the humans were so far from earth and had technology so advanced they did not know how to function once it turned against them. As AI starts to advance even further, I think we should all stop to look around at not only how far we have come but how we came that far. With our own two hands.

A few words about Artificial Intelligence: What is it? | DocumentaryTube

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