Saturday, October 16, 2021

Blog #8 The Progressive Era

Hey remember at the start of 2020 for a couple days there were rumors that Trump would lead us into WWIII and that every guy would be forced to get drafted? This has little to do with the blog subject but strangely enough it was the first thing that popped into my head when reading articles coming from antiwar websites!

After reading the websites, I can see the authors of the pages have a very clear anti-war view. We can agree that some of these site are not exactly subtle. It did get me wondering though, why do we not see more of these types of views and perspectives shown in mainstream news outlets such as FOX, CNN, or MSNBC? 

Well let's first talk about the subjects of war. They are not exactly things militaries like to share to the general public unless absolutely necessary. I say this because, after watching some videos in my Media Laws and Literacy Class, about how U.S. soldiers would often shote at foreign journalists that have information that they may harm the image of the States, you can tell that some armies and militaries try to keep some of their actions to themselves. Like say, the recordings of the soldiers shooting at a journalist went public on the nightly news the moment it was received. It would only open a whole can of worms of what the Military and war like soldiers do that go under everyone's noses on a daily basis. It would spark so much outcry and protesting then would be advisable. Potentially it could even bring the world to throw another Woodstock, where it would be a way to protest all of the war and violence going on. Imagine another one of those in todays times! That would be interesting to say the least.

My point is, the reason I feel like we don't see much information about the grim actions taken by our militaries, is to fit this mindset, that is made to both comfort and brainwash us. Many people who only watch the mainstream news sources live in ignorance about what is going on and don't look at other sources for information. It is unfortunate that this is the case, since the less this being talked about across the world, the more power this gives the militaries. However think about the alternative. Like I said, if it does get more talked about there would be so much outrage and division amongst the public. And with these major news sources that would report it, it would be so easy to spin the context to fit their narrative and ultimately would lead to more harm than good. In that respect, is it possible this is a good thing? That only small antiwar sites are reporting this, so not cause MORE division amongst the U.S.? I mean with everything that has happened in the last two years, all of the conspiracy theories and protests, why add this on to it all?

Antiwar March, Crisler Arena, 09/20/1969; website cover image ยท Resistance  and Revolution: The Anti-Vietnam War Movement at the University of  Michigan, 1965-1972

There is no real right or wrong in this scenario, on whether major news sources should talk more about the subjects posted from antiwar sites. No matter what, I think we should all be smart on how we get our news and information. That it's unwise to rely on only one news source to supply what you know. While at the same time, don't go reading every single site you can find since you never know what is real and what is fake. Fact checking is another important aspect when talking about news. At the end of the day, I think what's most important is that we should stop and think about the information given to us and if there is a mother side that comes with it. 


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Blog #12 The Final Post

I never thought I would make it this far! I remember my first day of class and didn't even realize I would finish this class so early in...